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We Uncover Opportunities

You Profit


We dig deep and gather data from around the web to uncover cool trends, new markets, reveal insights and new ideas for you!


Get insight on founders and businesses to spark your imagination and start on your path to entrepreneurship and financial freedom.


Research is hard, time consuming and costly. We get it. We do that for you. You get everything in one weekly email, at your fingertips.

About us

We Do The Work. You Win!

From physical to digital products, from the small insights to the big picture, you get your fix of trends and opportunities on a weekly basis.

Products, Trends, Founders

The world of opportunities is ever expanding. Know what products are hot, what trends are forming and what founders are building.

Data -> Knowledge -> Insight

At Trend 007 we distill the data into actionable knowledge that reveals insight tailored for you. All that packed nicely in your inbox, once a week.


A world of opportunities revealed weekly in your inbox. Interested?

Trends, Baby!

The Future Is Coming

You can fear it or you can build it. It’s your choice. At Trend 007, we want to show what is currently working and give you a glimpse into the future. Why? So you become fearless and empowered to shape the world ahead.


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β€œIt’s not boring and just data, that does it for me. I discover the world around me and understand what’s cool, hot and working. It’s easy to read and always entertaining.”

James Restall

from Radiant Perspectives

β€œIt’s awesome to see opportunities that are out there. The newsletter is easy to digest and always blows my mind with the products and trends. And Agent O is really cute! πŸ˜‚β€

Gabriella B

from Story Lory

β€œT007 makes it easy to get all the data and the serious stuff in a digestible way for me. I have mixed feelings about O, love him and also wanna chase him around.”

Timothy Laedes

Digital Entrepreneur


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One Innovative Business

Questions and answers.

Who is Trend 007 for?

If you want to build your own business or start a project on the side, then Trend 007 is for you. If you’re an indie hacker, VC, bootstrapped founder, developer or consultant, Trend 007 is here for you. Or if you want to peek into the future and be ahead of the pack, Trend 007 is definitely for you.

What can I expect from the paid version?

Each week, you can expect a video newsletter where you receive a deep dive into 2 products, the respective trends and themes they belong to, along with sales data for those products. Also, you get the explanation of a trend with interesting products and sales data. On top of that, you also get to know a founder and a business to inspire you to start walking on your path towards financial freedom.

How do I get the motivation to start a new business?

Motivation comes from momentum. It’s rather unusual, but motivation comes from changing your state. And changing your state is done through action. You act, so you take a new step in the direction you want. This creates new feedback in your environment. Feedback allows you to take another step in the same direction. This creates a path when you look behind, which means growth. So motivation comes through action and feedback from that action.

How do I use trends to choose the right idea?

Use trends to spot something you are willing to work on which you believe is the expression of something deeper within you. It’s not just work, it’s something that expresses who you really are and it will allow you to evolve over time. It should be the intersection of something you are already decent at. Yes, there is something you are at least decent at, trust yourself (not your mind). Another trick to identify the right idea is that you would be willing to NOT jump on the next idea because of it. It’s something that grips your mind.

How do I know when to go all in?

This is something that is more intuitive than intellectual. But speaking strictly from a financial survival perspective, you should take the leap when you are financially comfortable that you can support your expenses during the time you are building your business. Or keep your current engagement until you start to profit from your new venture. It’s not a fixed recipe, you will know when the time comes.